Review of the Portuguese health system (2018)



In November 2016, the Ministry of Health of Portugal called upon the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and WHO/Europe to assess the performance of the Portuguese health system in facing key challenges and meeting objectives in the post-financial crisis recovery period.

A team of international and Portuguese health policy experts conducted the review. It included extensive consultation with various stakeholders, including governmental representatives, health workers and members of academia. In 2017, they discussed the preliminary findings in a policy dialogue.

This report presents the final results of the review, which take into consideration the comments and contributions of Portuguese and international experts in the policy dialogue. It is divided into 4 main sections:

  • Domain 1: Health and its determinants;
  • Domain 2: National Health Service (NHS) sectoral reforms and human resources;
  • Domain 3: Person-centred, better-integrated NHS; and
  • Domain 4: NHS financing.