Observatory Venice Summer School 2015

“Integrated care: moving beyond the rhetoric”

26 July‐ 01 August 2015
Isola di San Servolo, Italy

Organized by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, the Veneto Region of Italy, the European Commission and the WHO Regional office for Europe.

Building on participants’ own knowledge and expertise, the School will:

  • Provide a state‐of‐the‐art account of the effectiveness and economic impacts of integrated care
  • Discuss a range of concrete examples of integrated care programmes and strategies that have been implemented across Europe and elsewhere, stretching from individual pilot programmes to regional and national integrated care strategies
  • Interpret how different integrated care options can be operationalized considering resource, infrastructure and technology constraints in different settings
  • Discuss in a critical manner the place and usefulness of integrated care in a modern health and social care system
  • Draw practical policy and implementation lessons to inform better decision‐making on delivery system reform that will positively impact the quality of care given resource constraints

The School will guide participants to:

  • Critically appraise options for the development of integrated care programme strategies, focussing on implications for efficiency, access and cost
  • Understand the nature of the policy debate around integrated care and what has been achieved so far
  • Apply tools and frameworks to help design, implement and evaluate integrated care programmes and strategies to inform decision‐making
  • Investigate the various levers needed to ‘make integrated care work’, including regulatory, financing and governance strategies to redesign service delivery towards more people-centred care
  • Hypothesize what integrated care policy will look like in the future

Submit your CV and application form before 31 May 2015.

Summer School’s fee: € 2,200 (teaching material, social programme, transfer from the airport to the island upon arrival, accommodation, meals and included)

More information and on‐line application on our website www.theobservatorysummerschool.org

We await you in Venice!