Observatory Venice Summer School 2016

What: "Primary care: innovating for integrated, more effective care"

The Observatory Venice Summer School 2016 is a short, intensive course. It is a week of learning, interacting, studying, debating, and sharing experiences with other policy makers, planners and professionals to promote innovation in primary (health) care for better integrated, more effective care.

When: 24 – 30 July 2016

Who: The course is aimed at senior and mid level policy makers, civil servants and professionals. If you are involved in steering primary care services or are looking at strengthening care, its continuity and integrative functions within and beyond the health system – then the Observatory Venice Summer School is for you.

Objectives: To

  • provide evidence‐based country experiences of different approaches and innovative models of primary care;
  • describe how primary care can serve whole populations, emphasizing vulnerable groups;
  • provide mechanisms and tools that facilitate the integration between health care, public health and social services;
  • provide tools to assess the performance of primary care;
  • explore innovations that strengthen effectiveness of primary care interventions;
  • review how provider payments and incentives can enable that primary care fulfils its role;
  • systematize and interpret primary care innovations and their implementation.

Why innovation and primary care?

There is a Europe wide consensus on the central role of primary care to enable universal access; facilitate continuity in health care; promote intersectoral work; empower communities; and adopt a public health perspective. 

This course will go beyond these core commitments to address how countries in very different systems can use, adapt and apply innovative models to make primary care
a key force for integration and effectiveness. It will seek to address the following policy questions:

  • How can innovation be shared and applied in practice in very different European systems, given the path dependency of provision?
  • How can innovation be used to include vulnerable groups whether they are migrants, minorities, in isolated rural communities, or otherwise excluded? 
  • How can professionals, carers and patients be engaged in and support achievement of better health outcomes? 
  • How can the most fitting strategies be identified in a given national context?

Submit your CV and application form. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2016.

The cost of € 2,200 covers teaching materials, social programmes, transfer from/to the airport to/from the island, accommodation and meals.