Dancing with elephants: New partnerships for health, democracy, business



This special issue of Eurohealth covers some of the main themes from the 2020 European Health Forum Gastein, one of the leading health policy conferences in Europe bringing together a mix of public policymakers, civil society, researchers and private sector representatives. This year’s theme focused on questions regarding if, when, and how to rethink partnerships with the big players that health usually shies away from and how to bring momentum into existing partnerships, striving to continuously improve multisectoral collaboration for better health for all.

Contents includes:

  • Guest editorial
  • Resilient systems - The European health workforce: closing the gaps, A wellbeing economy agenda to help shape the post-coronavirus economy
  • From data to decisions - The advisors’ dilemma: informed decision making in times of limited evidence?, The power of partnerships to realise the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy
  • Empowerment and agency - Dancing to new tunes to reduce inequalities in cancer prevention and care in central and south eastern Europe; Fighting health infodemics: the role of citizen empowerment; The health democracy deficit and Covid-19
  • Perspectives on the European Health Union
  • Priority areas from Young Gasteiners
  • Eurohealth monitor