Health and sustainable development: Bold political choices for Agenda 2030



This special Autumn issue of Eurohealth covers some of the main issues and themes that will be discussed at the 2018 edition of the European Health Forum Gastein, one of the leading health policy conferences in Europe bringing together a mix of public policy makers, civil society, researchers and private sector representatives.

Guest Editorial; A dose of courage for health policy; Innovation for all - The future of European cooperation on Health Technology Assessment, Blockchain in digital health and life sciences; Sustainable systems - Inclusive growth as a route to tackling health inequalities, Patient empowerment driving sustainable cancer care, The capital-ncd-nexus: The commercial determinants of health and global capital flows; Evidence for action - How do you use evidence in policy the smart way? How can health systems advance economic and fiscal objectives? Increasing vaccine uptake: Confronting misinformation and disinformation; No one left behind - Vaccination is the solidarity of the many for the few, LGBTI people and health inequalities; Implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.