Observatory 20th Anniversary Special Issue



This special issue of Eurohealth marks the 20th anniversary of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Written by the staff of the Observatory, it offers a range of reflections arising from our experience in assessing health systems, working with policy makers and, ultimately, with striving to address the very complex interface between evidence and policy practice.

Eurohealth Observer - 20 years of evidence into practice, Wishes and tweets from colleagues and friends, Selected highlights from the first 20 years; Eurohealth International - The role of the health system in the 21st century, Evolution of health system performance assessment, EU integration and health policy at the cross-roads; Eurohealth Systems and Policies - 20 years of health system reforms in Europe, Reflecting on the successes and failures of public health policy,  Universal Health Coverage and the role of evidence-based approaches, Developments in Europe’s health workforce, and Eurohealth Monitor - HSPM country news, My favourite OBS book or activity.