Discours prononcé à l'occasion du lancement du projet régional de lutte contre le tabagisme

This year, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control celebrates its 10th anniversary. As of today, the WHO FCTC has been ratified by 180 countries, 50 of them in the European Region. In its 10 years of existence, the WHO FCTC has succeeded in keeping tobacco control high on the global agenda and at the same time saving lives and improving global health. The WHO FCTC reflects the importance of a concerted approach, in which tobacco demand and supply are minimized by a variety of measures. There is strong evidence from various countries that these measures work and protect adult and children equally from smoking initiation and tobacco-related harm.

In December 2013, at the Ministerial Conference on NCDs hosted by Turkmenistan, ministers of health in the WHO European Region agreed to accelerate protection of present and future generations from the devastating consequences of tobacco. Member States confirmed their commitment to accelerate full implementation of the WHO FCTC and shared the ambition to work towards a tobacco-free European Region by making the global voluntary target on tobacco use by 2025 a reality in all countries of this Region. 

Today, we are launching the Regional Tobacco Control Project, supported by the Government of Turkmenistan. This regional project is the first step towards effective implementation of the Ashgabat Declaration and builds on the strong commitment and leadership of Turkmenistan in tobacco control. Turkmenistan has tobacco control legislation in place that, if fully complied with, would put Turkmenistan in a world-class category for tobacco control policy. The legislation meets most of the treaty obligations set out in the WHO FCTC and its guidelines. According to a STEPS survey in 2014, only 8% of the adult population of this country smoke.

Timing is opportune. The 2025 voluntary global targets for NCDs have been agreed, and discussions about achieving the tobacco use target in Europe have started. The Regional Committee in September is expected to discuss and adopt a roadmap of actions to strengthen implementation of the WHO FCTC in the European Region until 2025 and to make recommendations for action to Member States and the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

The activities proposed for the first year of the Project include supporting tobacco control in Turkmenistan itself, on its way to becoming a country of excellence in tobacco control, but also in the Newly Independent States and South-eastern European countries. As part of the Project, a strategic regional meeting of 53 countries will be held here in Ashgabat next spring.

The Regional Tobacco Control Project, generously supported by the Government of Turkmenistan and launched today during this International Forum, is a win–win activity in our fight against the tobacco epidemic. On the one hand, this Project will allow Turkmenistan to achieve its national vision of a tobacco-free Turkmenistan by 2025. On the other hand, the Project supports implementation of the Ashgabat Declaration and achievement of the global voluntary target for tobacco use in the European Region by 2025.

In conclusion, allow me to express my gratitude to the President of this country and the Government of Turkmenistan, particularly the Minister of Health, for their strong, extraordinary commitment to tobacco control, not only in their own country but throughout the WHO European Region. We know that the populations of the large majority of European countries stand behind strong tobacco control measures and support the vision of a tobacco-free future. Putting the health of the children and adults of our countries first is the right thing to do, and we should do it together!

Thank you.