Première réunion des points focaux du Réseau d’informations sanitaires des petits États (SCHIN)




The first meeting of focal points of the Small Countries Health Information Network (SCHIN) took place in Valetta, Malta, on 3–4 March 2016. The meeting brought the nominated focal points together for the first time to bring forward the issues raised at the Second High-level Meeting of Small Countries held in Andorra on 2–3 July 2015 and at the side meeting convened by Malta during the 65th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in Vilnius on 14–17 September 2015. The aim of the meeting was to agree on terms of reference for the focal points and identify priority actions based on Member State expectations for the Network. The outcome of the meeting was agreement on the modus operandi, a detailed action plan, and roles and responsibilities of partners.