Call for expressions of interest in serving on the WHO European Advisory Committee on Health Research (EACHR)


WHO/Europe is seeking experts to serve as members of the WHO European Advisory Committee on Health Research (EACHR). The EACHR is a regional consultative body that provides advice and recommendations as well as ad hoc operational and technical expertise to WHO/Europe.

WHO is particularly interested in hearing from applicants with expertise in public health; further, expertise in the following areas would be a particular advantage:

  • implementation research
  • big data *

Members, who are expected to attend Committee meetings, are appointed for a four-year term which may be renewable at the discretion of the WHO Regional Director for Europe. Members will not receive remuneration for their services, but reimbursement of travel expenses and a daily living allowance will be provided while meetings are taking place. In addition, qualified experts may be invited to participate as ad hoc observers on a temporary basis, subject to the Committee’s needs.

While it is anticipated that some applicants will be selected to replace outgoing Committee members in this round, files of successful applicants not initially selected as members will be kept on record to provide a “pool” of experts which may be drawn upon in future years to address specific topics, should a need arise.

The deadline for applications is Friday 17 November. Applicants should submit a CV and a completed Expert Form   to the EACHR Secretariat for consideration. Please note that all applicants will be requested to declare any competing interests.

Expressions of interest and enquiries should be addressed to


* Big data for health and well-being is understood to include data sources and approaches that:

  1. enable better and/or new use of existing data sources, either by innovations in methods of analysis or integration/linking (within and across organizations and between different data sources);
  2. contribute to the collection of information and enable data sharing for synthesis of data sources in health and to feed into advanced analysis methodologies (such as the Global Burden of Disease); and
  3. allow identification of new data sources and analysis methods that can provide new information, evidence and contexts to the existing knowledge.