Semaine européenne de la vaccination 2010

An impressive 47 Member States joined the fifth European Immunization Week (EIW) from 24 April to 1 May 2010, the largest number of participating countries since the initiative's inception. The list of countries covered the entire European Region and reflected a widespread commitment to maintaining high immunization coverage. EIW 2010 also took place simultaneously with Vaccination Week in the Americas (PAHO) and the first ever Vaccination Week in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), bringing WHO closer to realizing the goal of an annual global immunization initiative.

Focus on measles elimination

EIW 2010 took its theme from the impending deadline for a goal set more than a decade earlier by the Member States of the Region – to eliminate measles and rubella by the end of 2010. It provided the opportunity for Member States to raise awareness about what needed to be done on the country and regional level to achieve the measles elimination goal. EIW also took on an additional weight and importance in 2010 as Tajikistan reported an outbreak of polio just days before the initiative got underway.

Using virtual technology to launch EIW 2010

The week of EIW 2010 opened with a virtual launch, hosted by WHO/Europe in conjunction with the World Bank and made possible by the Bank’s Global Development Learning Network (GDLN). Following the launch, participants from 10 countries linked into a video conference, which was also available via webcast, entitled “Key challenges in reaching non-immunized and partially immunized populations in the European Region -- Best practices and lessons learned". According to participants, it was a welcome opportunity to interact with WHO and its partners, as well as neighbouring countries.

A full week of immunization activities

The virtual launch kicked off a full week of excellent immunization activities that took place throughout the Region. The activities were varied and tailored to the suit the needs of the countries in which they took place.

Real-time updates on EIW activities

In 2010, a new EIW campaign site allowed EURO to provide real-time updates about immunization activities going on throughout the Region. It also gave EIW stakeholders the opportunity to contribute their own experiences and materials from EIW, providing a simple way to share information about the initiative. The campaign site helped create a sense of Region-wide momentum and action during EIW by aggregating information about independent country activities into one central space.