“Public health for all: equity, solidarity, quality and innovation” – theme of the forthcoming study visit to the region of Andalusia, Spain

12-14 November 2018, Seville, Spain

A study visit organized by the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health and the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development will take place in Seville, Spain, on 12-14 November 2018. Its main purpose is to familiarize those taking part with the structure and functioning of the public health system of Andalusia. They will be introduced to the main strategies for and programmes related to the provision of services, prevention and health promotion, which have been developed through the innovative IV Andalusia Health Plan.

The study visit will provide members of the Regions for Health Network (RHN) with a wide view of the Andalusian public health approach. It will also give them an opportunity to share ideas and practical approaches in this field.

The Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health is responsible for public health, health policy, planning and regulation, and the provision and management of health care in the region. The Andalusian public health system ensures the delivery of health care in accordance with its driving principles, which are universal access, equity, guaranteed rights related to health care, territorial homogeneity, accessibility, transparency and participation.

The overarching goals of the region’s health policy are stated in the Andalusia Health Plan, which defines action to be taken by the different departments, based on the Health-in-All Policies principle, as well as the funding each department shall allocate to this end.

To further develop the action lines included in the Andalusia Health Plan, several transversal plans have been designed to tackle the most relevant health-related issues. Examples of these are the Plan on Comprehensive Health Care for Patients with Chronic Diseases and the Andalusian Comprehensive Care Strategy.

During the study visit, participants will:

  • discuss policies, programmes, projects and initiatives related to public health in Andalusia, as well as participation in and innovation of health promotion in the region;
  • become acquainted with the functioning of the public health system in Andalusia and visit relevant facilities;
  • exchange their views on the health-impact-assessment measures adopted to strengthen public health;
  • meet people involved in the Andalusian local health networks and different local stakeholders engaged in health;
  • share their policies, practices and experiences in the field of public health.

A detailed programme of the event will be shared in the near future.