Call for expressions of interest: Accommodation for the Observatory’s Venice Summer School 2017

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking offers for 2017/ EURO-RDO/0BS-002. Your organization or company is invited to submit a proposal for the accommodation of the Observatory’s Venice Summer School for a one week course, 23-29 July 2017. The Summer School targets senior and mid-level policy makers and so the accommodation needs to:

  • be of a reasonable standard;
  • have the capacity for 75-85 persons (participants and lecturers) on one site;
  • be able to arrange for meals
  • include teaching space for a large group (+/- 60 people) and some space for group work in response to this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Applications should be sent to

Deadline for submitting applications is 31 January 2017 at 17:00 hours Central European time