Calls for research and collaboration

The Observatory’s core activities (research and knowledge brokering) are delivered through a model which revolves around secondary research and meta-analysis. In effect, the Observatory commissions academics (individuals and research teams) to further develop the policy relevant aspects of their existing primary research so that it works to maximum effect as evidence for decision making. This allows the Observatory to cover a range of functions, country contexts and issues for the whole European Region with a level of quality which would otherwise be impossible and without duplicating national efforts. It also allows researchers to set their work in a wider European context and above all to bring it to bear on policy in practice.

Inputs range from one off or relatively small contributions through extensive links on particular projects to long-term, substantial relationships with a small set of centres of excellence. The Observatory follows WHO rules in awarding contracts and would also like to widen the pool of experts it works with. It therefore posts information on forthcoming contracts here and when appropriate on the Ted (tenders electronic daily) supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union.