Call for expressions of interest: Evaluation Observatory 2017

Deadline for submitting applications is 01 February 2017 (midnight Central European time)

The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (Observatory) is initiating a review of its work and impact from 2014 which will look at its positioning and policy relevance and the quality, impact and efficiency of the Observatory’s products and services.

It is expected that the reviewers will deliver

  • An inception report detailing the agreed work (March-April 2017)
  • A draft evaluation report / presentation (08 June 2017 Dublin)
  • A final report (for October with revisions if required in December)
  • A presentation of the implications of the final report for future development (30 November 2017 Brussels)

Qualifications and experience required

Evaluators are expected to have

  • 5-10 years experience with evaluation, project appraisal or process / organizational development
  • Relevant international experience with health systems and health policy
  • Demonstrable understanding of research, secondary research and evidence synthesis
  • Expertise in assessing efficiency and value for money
  • Familiarity with policy making  and the use of evidence in policy making
  • Understanding of knowledge brokering

The Observatory Partners would like to ensure that the evaluator is demonstrably independent so prefer not to consider individuals or teams who have worked closely with the Observatory during the last 5 years, or intend to do so in the next 2 years.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their application by  01 February 2017 (midnight CET) to with a copy to . Please specify “Observatory Evaluation 2017” in the email subject line. Please include

  • Cover letter and CV
  • Examples of recent, relevant engagements (up to 5)
  • Expected daily and total fee (exclusive of expenses)
  • Availability between March and December 2017

Short-listed candidates will be invited to a short telephone interview as part of the final selection process. It is likely that short-listed candidates will also be invited to prepare and submit a written concept note outlining a proposed approach and methods to support their application.

Queries can be addressed to