Call for applications to poliovirus containment working group

WHO has opened a call for nomination of members to a new working group of the Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (GCC). The new Containment Working Group (GCC-CWG) will review national containment certification activities and make recommendations to the GCC. The overall aim is to provide the required level of assurance that the controls established in the Global Action Plan III for poliovirus containment (GAPIII) are appropriately identified, implemented and monitored.


The eradication of wild poliovirus type 2 (WPV2) was declared in September 2015 by GCC. The use of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccines (tOPV) containing attenuated viruses of the three poliovirus subtypes, including type 2, was stopped worldwide in May 2016.  

Facilities retaining polioviruses must ensure that these viruses are not released back into the community or the environment, to again cause paralysis or death. As the first of the three subtypes to be eradicated, the retention of all type 2 polioviruses (PV2) is now subject to the containment requirements described in GAP III.

The certification of facilities against GAPIII is a national responsibility, and will be overseen at international level by the GCC to ensure that robust, transparent and equitable certification mechanisms are applied.

Application deadline

The call for applications for membership to the GCC-CWG will close on Friday 28 October 2016.