Rome (Italie): Programme

World Health Day

Antibiotic resistance: no action today, no cure tomorrow

Seminar on tackling antibiotic resistance in a food safety perspective and launch of WHO publication
7 April 2011, 09:00-13:00
Rome, FAO, Iran Room


Chair: Ms Francesca Racioppi, WHO/Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health

09:00 Registration (with coffee outside Iran room)


10:00 Welcome address and opening remarks

  • Ministry of Health of Italy; Dr Romano Marabelli, Head of Department for Veterinary Public Health, Nutrition and Food Safety
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO); Dr Juan Lubroth, Chief Veterinary Office
  • WHO Regional Office for Europe; Dr Srdan Matic, Coordinator for Environment and Health

10:30 Antibiotic resistance as a food safety problem

  • Dr Jorgen Schlundt, Vice Director, Danish Food Institute, Danish Technical University, WHO Collaborating Centre on antibiotic resistance, Denmark

10:45 Antibiotic resistance in the food chain in Europe

  • Dr Alexandre Beloeil, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

11:00 Suggested actions for addressing antibiotic resistance in a food safety perspective at national levels

  • Dr Hilde Kruse, WHO/Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health

11:20 Moderated round-table discussion: “The international response to antibiotic resistance in the food chain: Opportunities and Challenges”

  • Moderator:  Mr Alex Kirby, Free-lance journalist and former BBC Environment correspondent


  • Dr Alexandre Beloeil, Unit on Zoonoses Data Collection, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
  • Dr Annamaria Bruno, Codex Alimentarius secretariat, FAO
  • Dr Luca Busani, Department for Veterinary Public Health, Nutrition and Food Safety, Istituto Superiore di Sanità
  • Dr Katinka De Balogh, Senior Officer, Veterinary Public Health, FAO
  • Dr Hilde Kruse, Regional Adviser for Food Safety, WHO/Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health
  • Dr Leena Räsänen, Directorate General for Health and Consumer Policy (SANCO E2), European Commission
  • Dr Jorgen Schlundt, Danish Technical University, WHO Collaborating Centre on antibiotic resistance
  • Dr Annika Wennberg, Senior officer, JECFA Secretary, FAO

13:00 Closure

  • Reception (lounge Iran Room)