Synthèses et résumés de politiques élaborés conjointement (en anglais seulement)

Working together, HEN and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies produce joint policy briefs and policy summaries to address questions related to health systems and health care policies in Europe.

The objective is to produce high-quality, accessible material that is of immediate interest to national policy- and decision-makers seeking key messages based on solid foundations, and can be used by researchers and experts as brief but authoritative reviews.

The briefs and summaries do not aim to provide an ideal ‘model’ or recommended approach. Instead, they cover and synthesize available research evidence, delivering a message on potential policy options for good practice, such that the audience can consider means and strategies for innovation in their respective systems.

A knowledge-transfer review will be an integral element in the new series. The aim is to ensure that each brief highlights the link between research/evidence and health policy.

Joint briefs and summaries are generated in consultation with Member State stakeholders and reviewed by an international advisory board, as well as the editorial team.


The joint policy briefs and policy summaries published on this web site are commissioned works and the contents are the responsibility of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect the official policies of WHO/Europe, HEN or the Observatory. All reports undergo rigorous external peer review, as well as internal review.