Entitlements and responsibilities

  1. Every individual is entitled to:
    • an environment conducive to the highest attainable level of health and wellbeing;
    • information and consultation on the state of the environment, and on plans, decisions and activities likely to affect both the environment and health;
    • participation in the decision-making process. 
  2. Every individual has a responsibility to contribute to the protection of the environment, in the interests of his or her own health and the health of others.                                 
  3. All sections of society are responsible for protecting the environment and health as an intersectoral matter involving many disciplines; their respective duties should be clarified.                                 
  4. Every public authority and agency at different levels, in its daily work, should cooperate with other sectors in order to resolve problems of the environment and health.                                 
  5. Every government and public authority has the responsibility to protect the environment and to promote human health within the area under its jurisdiction, and to ensure that activities under its jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to human health in other states. Furthermore, each shares the common responsibility for safeguarding the global environment.                                 
  6. Every public and private body should assess its activities and carry them out in such a way as to protect people's health from harmful effects related to the physical, chemical, biological, microbiological and social environments. Each of these bodies should be accountable for its actions.                                 
  7. The media play a key role in promoting awareness and a positive attitude towards protection of health and the environment. They are entitled to adequate and accurate information and should be encouraged to communicate this information effectively to the public.                                 
  8. Nongovernmental organizations also play an important role in disseminating information to the public and promoting public awareness and response.