Comment le témoignage de Valery peut-il influencer l’élaboration des politiques de la santé mentale ?

Valery’s story is not a story about stigma and social exclusion, lack of opportunities and support or failures of psychiatric treatment. All these aspects are very positive. But Valery’s story is very sad.

Valery achieves much. He gives everything, he exhausts himself. Valery wants to show that he is number one. He is a person liked by others, with a supportive family, and his stays in hospital for treatment of his depression are helping him to return to normal life for a while – again and again.

Valery is moving very fast through life, and never stops. While reading his story I felt my heart beating faster. Moving with Valery’s narrative from one success to the other took my breath away. At the same time I felt a growing sadness; I suddenly realized the desperation behind the ambition, and the fall after the rise. In those moments Valery must be very lonely. I hope his network of family and friends will always be strong, supported by professional support which seems to be very effective. I wish that Valery one day will find out that he has nothing to prove, that he will find peace in himself.

Dr Anja Baumann, Technical Officer for Mental Health, Noncommunicable Diseases and Environment, WHO/Europe