Внедрение выводов и рекомендаций оценки состояния окружающей среды и здоровья в Литве



Following the decisions of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (Budapest, 2004), the WHO Regional Office for Europe has initiated a project to give guidance on strengthening environment and health policy-making, planning preventive interventions, and ensuring service delivery and surveillance in the field of environment and health. Through detailed environment and health performance reviews the Regional Office is providing country-based analytical descriptions of the environment and health situation in Member States.

Based on the review that took place in Lithuania in October 2008, a report has been prepared giving an overview of the current environment and health situation, evaluating the strong and weak points of environmental and health system and services in Lithuania and formulating recommendations for further actions.

As a follow up to the review the World Health Organization convened a workshop with the objective to discuss how to best use the recommendations formulated in the report at national level. Participants at the workshop set priorities in the actions needed, discussed possible implementation mechanisms and took responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of actions that are under their direct responsibility.