Modules of a Guide for age-friendly environments in Europe

Under the AFEE project three project modules are developed:

1. European guide for age-friendly environments

This project module revisits the WHO global age-friendly city guide, and the latest evidence on selected areas of the eight dimensions established by the global guide, enhanced by additional specific guidance on how to implement policies for age-friendly environments in a European context.

2. Tools for monitoring and evaluation

A module on monitoring and evaluation will bring together lessons learnt from progress in individual cities and from a number of international efforts, including from the WHO city networks, and EIP-AHA monitoring framework.

3. Templates for municipal action plans on age-friendly environments

This module will provide guidance on how to design an action plan on city and regional level, linking and integrating relevant EU and WHO recommendations and experiences. Good practice on how to make local level commitment to healthy ageing policies will be synthesised.