Networks and partnerships

While the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Commission are sharing the lead in the AFEE project, the work will be significantly shaped and co-produced by the cooperation with the WHO European Healthy Cities Network, WHO Network of Healthy Cities National Networks and WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) and relevant stakeholders in the EU and under the European innovation partnership, in order to bring together evidence and experience from different sectors.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe has been leading the  WHO European Healthy Cities Network  for more than 25 years guiding and supporting member cities to develop, implement and monitor policies towards healthy cities for all ages. Many cities in this network have chosen healthy ageing as one of their core themes. Since 2010 cities with a specific interest in ageing are also participating in a global exchange under the GNAFCC.

Furthermore, the AFEE project will actively build on experiences and knowledge produced under the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing (EIP on AHA). Within the EIP on AHA collaborative partnership regional and local authorities, European NGOs, technology providers, research centres and small- and medium-sized enterprises are working together to implement innovative solutions to develop environments that are more age-friendly and to promote active and healthy living.