Европейская неделя иммунизации, 2011 г.

Девиз Европейской недели иммунизации: Предупредить. Защитить. Привить

On 23-30 April 2011, Member States of the WHO European Region joined together to participate in the sixth European Immunization Week. As in past years, WHO/Europe selected a theme for the 2011 initiative, "Shared solutions to common threats". This theme highlighted the importance of collaborating and sharing both experiences and solutions for achieving immunization goals, such as eliminating measles by 2015, maintaining the polio-free status of the Region and keeping all vaccine-preventable diseases in check. Many of the 52 participating countries chose to focus on the theme during EIW 2011.

Read more about the 2011 initiative in the EIW 2011 Narrative Report.