Statement – More Europeans now vaccinated against COVID-19 than have had the virus, 29-04-2021

Statement – WHO European Region: COVID-19 case incidence on the rise as deaths edge towards 1 million, 18-03-2021

Заявление – Международный женский день: сделать наше общество еще лучше, с лидирующей ролью женщин, 04-03-2021

Заявление – Последняя информация о COVID-19: осторожный оптимизм, 11-02-2021

Statement – Update on COVID-19: the pandemic paradox, hope and hardship in equal measure, 28-01-2021

14 января 2021 г. Заявление – Последние сведения о ситуации с COVID-19: Переломный момент в ходе пандемии

19 November statement – Situation update on COVID-19: doing our share, a new horizon with technological and pharmaceutical development, and preserving the rights of children

3 June statement on COVID-19 - Transitioning towards ‘a new normal’ must be guided by public health principles, together with economic and societal considerations. (Delivered in Russian)

28 May statement on COVID-19 – Recovery must lead to a different economy, an economy of well-being

Seven steps to prevent the spread of the virus

How to protect yourself against COVID-19

14 May statement on #COVID-19: behavioural insights

COVID-19: Collaboration, coordination, communication - joining forces for healthier populations (11 May 2020)

7 May statement on #COVID-19: violence remains preventable, not inevitable

30 April Statement on #COVID-19 from the WHO Regional Director for Europe

23 April Statement from the WHO Regional Director for Europe: COVID-19

16 April Statement from the WHO Regional Director for Europe: COVID-19

8 April Statement from the WHO Regional Director for Europe: COVID-19

Covid-19 интервью: д-р Gauden Galea, Представитель ВОЗ в Китае, 03-04-2020

Statement from the Regional Director: Older people and COVID-19 (02 April 2020)

26 March Statement from the WHO Regional Director for Europe: COVID-19

Видеозаявление, сделанное в ходе брифинга по COVID-19 для находящихся в Дании представителей дипломатического корпуса, 19 марта 2020 г.

How is the new coronavirus affecting people who get it?

Why is it recommended to avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough?

Q&A on new coronavirus - COVID-19 with WHO's Dr Maria Van Kerkhove

Q&A on Coronavirus - COVID-19 in the workplace - WHO's Dr Rosamund Lewis