Вооруженный конфликт в Грузии в 2008 г.

WHO/Gerald Rockenschaub

Internally displaced persons (IDP) in Georgia

WHO is concerned with the health needs of more than 100 000 people, particularly women and children, displaced by the insecurity in South Ossetia.

The WHO Country Office, Georgia upgraded its technical and managerial capacities to support partners to coordinate health actions in the aftermath of the South Ossetia conflict.

WHO worked with the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs (MoLHSA) to compile and regularly share health information with health stakeholders, to address health needs identified in a joint needs assessment carried out and flash appeal (revised) published and to map health activities on a who is doing what and where matrix.

Health cluster coordination meetings have been conducted regularly to facilitate joint planning and have harmonized health actions with government authorities, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations partners and donors.