15 июня 2017 г., Острава, Чешская Республика
Meeting Report. High-level Conference, 7–8 December 2016, Paris, France
Social return on investment (SROI) is a concept to account for social value when evaluating investments. It goes beyond traditional economic evaluation tools, by considering value produced for multiple stakeholders in all three dimensions of development: economic, social and environmental.
Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report 51
Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report 52
The WHO Country Office in Kazakhstan and the WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care engaged experts from Saint Louis University and Columbia University to provide these workshops.
В целом, фактические данные, представленные в настоящем докладе, служат веским снованием для укрепления устойчивости систем здравоохранения с точки зрения их воздействия на окружающую среду.
7–8 December 2016, Paris, France