Популяризация ОФА в учреждениях здравоохранения

Providing individuals with advice and access to offers through health care providers is one of the recommended approaches to physical activity promotion. This working group, co-lead by Mr Malcolm Ward, Public Health Wales, Ms Eszter Füzéki, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany and Ms Jeannie Wyatt-Williams, Welsh Local Government Association, United Kingdom, aims to promote health-care related HEPA activities across the Region. Main activities include identifying common concerns, sharing information on development and research, promoting good practice, informing policy and strategy and advocating for evidence-based interventions.

The working group carried out a pilot survey on "Physical activity in medical curricula in Europe". A report on the first phase is available below, as well as an article discussing approaches to promote PA to patients in healthcare settings. In addition, the working group is collecting country examples of "exercise on prescription" schemes.

To join this activity, please contact HEPA Europe at hepaeurope@who.int