Присоединиться к сети

Membership is open to public and private non-for-profit organizations and institutions active at the sub-national, national or international level willing to contribute to the goals and objectives of the network. These include, for example:

  • government bodies such as ministries or agencies involved with the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (e.g. ministries of health, sports, education, transport and agencies for health promotion, etc.);
  • research and other scientific institutions;
  • nongovernmental organizations;
  • interested individuals (upon invitation by the Steering Committee).

Organizations and institutions are eligible to become members if they fulfill the following criteria of membership:

  • signature of the letter of intent;
  • provision of the information specified in the application questionnaire;
  • appointment of a contact person;
  • compliance with the responsibilities of membership as set out in the terms of reference.

The network has no compulsory membership fee but strongly encourages and welcomes voluntary contributions, either on a regular basis or as a single contribution.