Rising to the challenge of staying physically active during COVID-19 restrictions

The WHO European Region has witnessed a wide range of innovative approaches to staying physically active during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of online exercise platforms, health activities in social media and physical activity promotional campaigns have blossomed under these extraordinary circumstances. Several countries have also found creative ways to support populations to stay active during quarantine while protecting their health.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to multiple challenges for people’s health and well-being. Lockdowns and restrictions on mobility have impacted our ability to be physically active as a natural part of daily life. In most countries, active transport such as walking and cycling and opportunities to participate in sport and exercise have been restricted or temporarily eliminated. Fitness centres have been closed for several months and physical distancing often limits opportunities to be active.

To highlight country responses, WHO/Europe invited European Union (EU) Member States to share their physical activity initiatives during the pandemic. Information poured in on a large number of initiatives, confirming EU Member States’ commitment to promoting physical activity for health.

These initiatives were compiled into a special edition of the HEPA Europe newsletter. This was distributed to members and is now available online as inspiration for other countries to implement similar initiatives.