Cодействие развитию сетевой работы, обмену и большей синергии между спортивным сектором и сектором оздоровительной физической активности (NET-SPORT-HEALTH – сеть-спорт-здоровье), на англ. яз

NET-SPORT-HEALTH was a one-year project running from 2010 to 2011, co-financed by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture.

The project strengthened networking and exchange between the main health and sport actors actively engaged in physical activity promotion. It also identified elements in sports and public health policies, which promote synergy and coherence in the attainment of health-enhancing physical activity.

Eventually, the project contributed to the development of more effective policies for health-enhancing physical activity promotion by strengthening the networking between the main actors, making existing experiences more easily available, and critically reviewing the approaches taken.

Project results are described in the publication “Promoting sport and enhancing health in European Union countries”. They will be further disseminated through print products and scientific publications, WHO meetings and other international events such as the HEPA Europe Conferences.

Project activities included:

  • Collection and content analysis of national sport policies - to provide information about how existing sport policies address the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity. An international meeting was organized to discuss the results of the policy analysis.
  • Establishment of a “HEPA Europe - EU Contact Group” to maximize synergy and exchange between the existing HEPA Europe network and activities of the European Union. This supported the exchange and contributed to ensure effective and efficient collaboration.

NET-SPORT-HEALTH was one of 18 projects granted funding under the Call for Proposals to implement the 2009 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport. The project fell under the area “Promoting health-enhancing physical activity”.