WHO training course for nutrition, physical activity and obesity in primary care settings

Primary care plays a critical role in the provision of services to promote healthy diets, engage individuals in physical activity and assist patients in weight management. The purpose of this training course is to provide primary health care professionals with a sound outline of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention and management approaches in children, adolescents and adults. The goal is to make the course as practical as possible by integrating experiential learning and a variety of case studies wherever appropriate.

Upon successful completion of the programme, it is expected that participants will be able to:

  • discuss relevant evidence about nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention and management;
  • understand of the role of primary care services in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and in the prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases such as obesity;
  • use an evidence-based framework for obesity management;
  • conduct people-centred conversations in the context of promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing/managing obesity;
  • be aware of weight bias attitudes that may act as a barrier to obesity prevention and management;
  • identify local resources in the community that can be used to promote healthy lifestyles and to prevent and manage obesity.

Materials are available to support the organization of the training course, including a suggested programme, a workbook and training slides.