Оценка состояния окружающей среды и здоровья: Словакия




The present report describes and evaluates the current environment and health situation in Slovakia. It evaluates strong and weak points of the national environmental and health status and brings recommendations from independent experts. The conclusions and recommendations are based on the detailed Environment and Health Performance Review (EHPR) carried out in the country. The review identified the most important environment and health problems, evaluated the public health impact of environmental exposures and reviewed the policy and institutional framework taking into account the institutional set-up, the policy setting and legal framework, the degree and structural functioning of intersectoral collaboration and the available tools for action.

This project was developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe as a follow up to the commitments made by Member States at the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in Budapest in June 2004 to reduce children’s exposure to environmental hazards. The project was designed to provide the evidence base for developing and implementing such actions. The EHPRs are country-based interdisciplinary assessments that WHO/Europe carries out at the request of Member States. Through the EHPRs, Member States receive support in the reform and upgrade of the overall public health system.