Социальные неравенства в отношении окружающей среды и здоровья

Tjalling Leenstra/DCE

To provide European policy-makers with scientific evidence on the influence and effects of social inequalities on environmental health risks, WHO/Europe prepared an assessment of the relationships between social determinants and the distribution of environmental health risks.

Social inequalities – such as those related to income and employment, education and profession, age, gender and a variety of other individual and social factors – also lead to increased exposure to environmental risk factors, and thus become a causal factor for health inequities.

The assessment covers injuries, housing, air quality, occupational settings, waste, children, climate change and gender-related inequities. The results were used at the Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health (in March 2010), where social inequalities in environment and health were on the agenda.

The Conference received further input on this topic from the 2009 WHO/HBSC (Health Behaviour of School-aged Children) Forum, which documented actions and interventions that are being implemented across Europe on socio-environmentally determined health inequities among children and adolescents, and discussed options to address these inequities.