Заявления от негосударственных структур

Video statements from NSAs

Agenda item 3

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations 3

Knowlegdge Ecology International 3

Thalassaemia International Federation 3

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Agenda Item 5(a)

Alzheimer’s Disease International 3

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Agenda item 5(b)

International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 5(b)

International Federation of Medical Students Associations 5(b)

IOGT International 5(b)

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Agenda item 5(c)

Joint Statement - COTEC- EFPC- WFOT- WONCA,5(c)


European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Association 5(c)

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations 5(c)

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Agenda item 5(d)

Public Services International 5(d)

EuroHealthNet 5(d)

International Federation of Medical Students Associations 5(d)

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Agenda item 5(e)

Medicus Mundi, Wemos 5(e)

EuroHealthNet 5(e)

Standing Committee of European Doctors 5(e)

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Agenda item 5(f)

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations 5(f)

Association for Medical Education in Europe 5(f)

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care 5(f)

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Agenda item 5(g)

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations 5(g)

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Agenda item 5(h)

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations 5(h)

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Agenda Item 5(i)

Joint statement: COTEC - EFPC - WFOT - WONCA 5(i)

Joint statement: EUPHA - EFNNMA 5(i)

International Federation of Medical Students Associations 5(i)

Standing Committee of European Doctors 5(i)

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Agenda item 5(j)

Standing Committee of European Doctors 5(j)

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Agenda item 5(k)

International Federation of Medical Students Associations 5(k)

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Agenda item 5(n)

International Federation of Medical Students Associations 5(n)

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Agenda item 5(o)

International Council of Nurses 5(o)

International Council of Nurses 5(o)

Thalassaemia International Federation 5(o)

Thalassaemia International Federation 5(o)

Joint statement: WSO - ESO - WFN - EAN 5(o)

Standing Committee of European Doctors 5(o)

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care 5(o)

cat.2 International Alliance of Patients Organization 5(o)

cat.2 International Pharmaceutical Students Federation 5(o)

cat.2 World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists 5(o)

cat.3 World Health Federation 5(o)

cat.4 European Public Health Association 5(o)

cat.5 European Medical Students Association 5(o)

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