На границе между Грецией и Турцией увеличились потоки мигрантов (на англ. яз.)



Upon request from the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, a joint European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO Regional Office for Europe mission was undertaken to Greece to assess the situation related to the increased migration at the Greek–Turkish border. The objective of the mission was to assist Greek health authorities in assessing the public health risks related to the increased migration and to communicable diseases in particular. The assessment was conducted using the ‘health system crisis preparedness assessment method’ as framework, a methodology which has been previously used by the WHO Regional Office for Europe for similar assessment visits to Malta and Italy. The information obtained was mainly gathered through discussions with the key stakeholders and by site visits to screening and detention centres, a public health laboratory and the main tertiary hospital. The mission took place 04–08 April 2011.