Aktuelle Veröffentlichung
Wichtigste Publikationen
Strengthening population health surveillance (2021)
A tool for selecting indicators to signal and monitor the wider effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Core Health Indicators in the WHO European Region 2020
Special focus: 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
Europäischer Gesundheitsbericht 2018
Die Veröffentlichung des Europäischen Gesundheits berichts alle drei Jahre bietet den Lesern – politischen Entscheidungsträgern, Politikern, Gesundheitswissen schaftlern und Journalisten – ein dynamisches Bild der Gesundheitssituation in der Europäischen Region der WHO und einen Überblick über die Fortschritte bei der Verwirklichung von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden für alle.
What are relevant, feasible and effective approaches to promote acceptance, uptake and adherence to physical distancing measures for COVID-19 prevention and control? (2021)
Health Evidence Network synthesis report 72
Mental health, men and culture: how do sociocultural constructions of masculinities relate to men’s mental health help-seeking behaviour in the WHO European Region? (2020)
Men are less likely than women to seek help for mental health issues and are much more likely to commit suicide. This scoping review examined recent evidence published in English and Russian on the role of socially constructed masculinity norms in men’s help-seeking behaviour for mental health issues.