Montenegro collaborates with other small countries to implement Health 2020

Ministry of Health, Montenegro

Professor Dr Miodrag Radunovic, Minister of Health of Montenegro (centre) and Ms Mina Brajovic, Head of the WHO Country Office in Montenegro (right), discuss the small countries collaboration programme

Montenegro works together with other small-population countries in the WHO European Region to better address health inequalities and social determinants of health as envisioned in the European health policy Health 2020. Professor Dr Miodrag Radunovic, Minister of Health of Montenegro, met with Ms Mina Brajovic, Head of the WHO Country Office in Montenegro, on 13 April 2013 to discuss opportunities offered to Montenegro under the collaboration framework set up for this project between WHO/ Europe and San Marino on 1 August 2012. 

The Minister of Health reiterated his strong commitment to implementing the Health 2020 aims related to increasing population health and well-being through decreasing health inequalities. He also expressed a strong interest in taking part in the small countries collaboration programme, which will complement development of the country's National Public Health Strategy as inspired by the Health 2020 policy aims. Through the collaboration framework, Montenegro will share positive experience with other small countries on how to strengthen primary health care in order to provide quality, efficient and accessible health services.

Investing in public health means investing in economic growth, social inclusion and sustainable development, Ms Brajovic said. She added that health promotion, decreasing health inequalities and better governance for health are imperative and prerequisites for increasing population health and well-being. She underlined that collaboration under the  framework is a vehicle to increase Montenegro's capacities to accomplish these objectives.

Partnership of small-population Member States

Other countries invited to participate in the project include Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta and Monaco. The partnership will generate new know-how, increase policy capacity and build public commitment for societal and cultural change that improves health and supports sustainable development in countries with small populations. It is also expected to identify and test innovations to increase health equity that can be used throughout the WHO European Region.

The project is generously funded by San Marino and coordinated by WHO/Europe’s European Office for Investment for Health and Development in Venice, Italy.