
The Azerbaijan WHO Country Office was established in June 2004 in Baku in order to assist in the implementation of WHO programmes in the country. The role of the WHO Country Office is to respond to requests from Azerbaijan to support policy-making for sustainable health development, taking a holistic health-system approach. The Country Office team consists of six people, including experts in the fields of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, avian influenza, the International Health Regulations, vaccine preventable diseases and immunizations.

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Top story

Dr Kluge meets Ophelia, a TB patient from Azerbaijan

In 2018, Ophelia, a 32-year-old mother of 2 who lives in Azerbaijan, realized something was very wrong. She was feeling exhausted and could barely get out of bed without assistance. “I had pain, my chest hurt, I was weak and I was sweating,” she explained. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB), joining the ranks of some 246 000 people with active TB in the WHO European Region today.

Response to the pandemic

Latest updates page: Azerbaijan

EU-WHO Solidarity for Health Initiative

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Data and statistics


Estimated life expectancy. (World Health Report) (as of 2011)

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