
Cancer is the most important cause of death and morbidity in Europe after cardiovascular diseases. Cancer is in many cases avoidable, and early detection increases the chance of cure substantially. WHO/Europe assists countries to develop national programmes for cancer control. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the WHO body that specializes in this field. It coordinates and conducts research on causes and develops scientific strategies for cancer prevention and control.

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Top story

Better than screening: with WHO’s help Ukraine chose a cost-efficient policy to prevent breast cancer

International Women’s Day (IWD), 8 March is an opportunity to highlight a health issue that affects up to 1 out of 10 women in many countries of the European Region, through the inspiring story of Ukraine’s search for the best tool to fight breast cancer.


Screening programmes: a short guide (2020)

Increase effectiveness, maximize benefits and minimize harm

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Cancer Ambassador for WHO/Europe

Aron Anderson – Cancer Ambassador for WHO/Europe

Key resource

International Agency for Research on Cancer

Agency to promote international collaboration in cancer research

Data and statistics


The percentage of deaths caused by cancer in the European Region

More data and statistics