Syrian crisis: WHO's response in and from Turkey

Years of conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people being injured or ill or killed, vast movements of population, and infrastructure, including hospitals, being extensively damaged. Over 13 million people are in need of humanitarian aid within the country, more than 6.5 million are internally displaced and over 5.5 million people have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, of whom more than 3.6 million are in Turkey.

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Family physicians’ crucial role in mental health

In Turkey, currently host of 3.6 million Syrian refugees, family physicians play a crucial role in primary health-care services, often serving as a first contact for refugees in need of health care. Family physicians are often also the first ones who can adequately identify mental health issues and needs.


Video - WHO and Turkey give a new life and career to Syrian health care workers

More videos on WHO's work in the Syrian crisis

Improving access to health services in northern Syria

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