Laboratory services

Well-managed, high-functioning laboratory services play a crucial role in public health. WHO/Europe coordinates laboratory networks and works with WHO collaborating centres to support the surveillance and control of targeted diseases such as polio, measles, rubella, influenza and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Read more about laboratory services

Top story

Well-prepared laboratories are first line of defence against novel coronavirus in Europe

Timely detection of a contagious pathogen is vital to controlling its spread. In response to the emergency of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), WHO is working closely with a network of designated laboratories in the WHO European Region and other WHO regions to ensure that every country has the capacity and resources required to quickly test, report and respond to any suspected cases of the disease. In particular, WHO/Europe is facilitating shipment of testing kits, within a month of the virus first being isolated.

Better Labs for Better Health

Through the Better Labs for Better Health (BLBH) initiative and in line with WHO’s global vision, WHO/Europe assists countries to improve the overall quality of their laboratory services.

Read more about the Better Labs for Better Health initiative

Concept note

Health laboratory strengthening: an essential component of early warning surveillance and response systems and a national core capacity of the IHR.

Read more on the concept note

Laboratory Quality Management System

Mentoring for quality systems implementation

2016 in review

Laboratory networks and outbreak response

WHO/Europe coordinates activities related to emerging viral pathogens through the global Especially Dangerous Pathogens Laboratory Network (EDPLN). It also establishes ad hoc networks when needed.

Read more about laboratory networks and outbreak response

Biorisk management

WHO/Europe supports biosafety and biosecurity in the Region by providing training. WHO has developed several tools and training courses in biosafety and biosecurity.

Tools and training courses in biosafety and biosecurity