United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. People in the United Kingdom are living longer. Women continue to have a higher life expectancy than men: 80.5 years and 75.8 years, respectively. By 2030, about 1 in 5 people in the United Kingdom will be aged 65 or over. British people can expect to have more years of unhealthy life than people in most other Eur-A countries.

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Former Chief Nursing Officer for Wales says nurse leadership must help shape a more just and equitable health-care system

“We nurses and midwives must insert ourselves in every level of decision-making and shape what the future holds for us as professionals and not let others speak for us. We must advocate both for our role and for how we can best meet the needs of our patients.” This is the message that recently retired Chief Nursing Officer for Wales, Jean White, has for her colleagues.

United Kingdon: partners in global health

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Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2010)

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