Child and adolescent health

Most children and adolescents in the WHO European Region enjoy a high standard of health and well-being. However, disparities in child health between and within countries persist. The Region includes countries with the lowest infant and child mortality rates in the world, but mortality in countries with the highest rate for children under 5 years is up to 20 times higher than that in countries with the lowest rate. Every year, too many children in the Region die before the age of 5 – 52% of them in the first month of life.

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Largest disruption to schooling in history due to COVID-19 measures must not rob children of their education and development

Schools should remain open for as long as possible with adequate public health and social measures in place, and governments should use the summer months to implement measures that protect in-person schooling in the next school year, an international group of experts established by the WHO Regional Office for Europe said in its latest recommendations on schooling during COVID-19.

COVID-19 and Children

Children and adolescents face specific challenges based on their phase of life and how both the COVID-19 disease and measures designed to contain the disease impact them.

Learn more about COVID-19 and children

WHO Children at Hospital App

The Children at Hospital app, available in Russian and in an edition specifically designed for Kyrgyzstan, are now available to download on both Apple iOS and Android devices.

Download the app

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Early childhood is a critical period for a child to receive the nutrition and care that enable optimal development.

More about ECD

Data and statistics

Too many children in the European Region die before the age of five every year, 52% of them in the first month of life.

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