Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major global cause of acute illness, infertility, long-term disability and death, with severe medical and psychological consequences for millions of men, women and infants. WHO/Europe advocates and assists Member States in the promotion of evidence- and human-rights-based policies and practices for STI control and prevention and in the development of national capacities to implement such policies and practices.

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Early diagnosis means successful treatment: 2 men living with HIV in Greece share their experience

Late diagnosis of HIV remains a challenge across the WHO European Region. Every second newly diagnosed person has already reached an advanced stage of the infection. In the European Union/European Economic Area, the latest data from 2017 show that almost 90% of AIDS diagnoses happened within just 90 days of the HIV diagnosis. This indicates that the majority of these AIDS cases could have been avoided with early diagnosis.


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Data and statistics

340 million

Number of new cases of sexually transmitted bacterial and protozoal infections that occur worldwide every year.

More data and statistics