
Belgium is situated in the west of Europe and shares borders with the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and France. Belgium has one of the highest population densities in Europe. It is a federal state with a parliamentary democracy and has three levels of government – the federal government, the federated entities and the local governments. The Belgian health system is based on the principle of social insurance characterized by solidarity between the rich and poor, healthy and sick people and with no selection of risk. Source: Health Systems in Transition (HiT) Belgium

WHO Representation to the European Union

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Using the arts to improve health: WHO pioneers large-scale, arts-based health interventions

A new partnership project initiated by WHO/Europe and the Nordic Culture Fund sets out to explore effective and sustainable strategies for integrating arts and culture into the wider health-care sector. Led by WHO/Europe’s flagship unit on behavioural and cultural insights for health, it will bring together academics, artists, cultural institutions, health-care practitioners and policy-makers from different countries.

Data and statistics


Estimated life expectancy. (World Health Report) (as of 2009)

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