Mental health

Mental health is everyone’s business; it affects the lives of people living with mental problems, their careers, and the productivity of society as a whole. The mental health programme at WHO/Europe works with Member States and other partners to develop and implement national mental health policies and plans that reflect the WHO vision of “no health without mental health”.

More on mental health in the WHO European Region

Top story

Frontline stories: mental health of health care workers in the COVID-19 pandemic

A short film produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe shows health care workers talking about the mental health and well-being challenges they have been facing while caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental health and COVID-19

WHO and partners developed a set of new materials on the mental health and psychosocial support aspects of COVID-19

Visit our techincal guidance page

The Mental Health Coalition

Learn more about the Flagship Initiative 1


Mental health institutions and the COVID-19 crisis

Watch more videos on mental health

Key terms and definitions

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Improving mental health through integration with NCD management and prevention

Data and statistics on mental health

Personal stories

“I think that until a person experiences some kind of disability, they hardly know their inner, hidden qualities“.

Users and ex-users of mental health services in the WHO European Region agreed to share their personal experiences.

See all personal stories

Data and statistics

9 out of 10 countries

The number of countries with the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the European Region.

More data and statistics