
The WHO Country Office, Lithuania was established in May 1994 in Vilnius. The Office is the focal point for WHO activities in Lithuania and includes 2 staff members. In the late 1990s, Lithuania moved away from a system funded mainly by local and state budgets to a mixed system, predominantly funded by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) through a national health insurance scheme and based on compulsory participation. The main objectives of the health system are improving population health as well as access to and quality of health-care services. The focus is being shifted from treatment towards prevention and healthy lifestyles.

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Enhancing local planning and management of blue spaces

Natural and diverse environments have profound impacts on health and mental well-being. Embedding nature in urban settings, such as green spaces and blue spaces, which are urban areas that feature bodies of water, is an important way to achieve health-enhancing communities and healthy cities.


Regions for Health Network Twenty-third annual meeting report (2017)

Kaunas, Lithuania, 22–23 September 2016

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Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2010)

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