
The WHO Office in Serbia was established as a humanitarian assistance office in June 1992 in Belgrade to provide public health advice to United Nations agencies and humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. In October 2002, a formal agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and WHO transformed the office into a full country office which is the focal point for all WHO activities in Serbia. In addition, south-eastern Europe activities are managed from the Country Office.

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Refugees and migrants hosted in Serbian reception centres get their COVID-19 vaccine doses

Refugees and migrants may live highly insecure lives, often in fear and without access to essential health and other services. Their living circumstances can also put them at heightened risk of COVID-19 infection, and the pandemic has consequently had a disproportionate impact on refugee and migrant communities.

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Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2011)

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