
Denmark is a small country with over 5 million inhabitants; however, it is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The Danish health care sector is dominated by the public sector and is financed by local and state taxes. Governed by a combination of national state institutions, regions and municipalities, the Danish health care system has democratically elected assemblies in all levels. The state level is responsible for legal framework for health care and coordinates and supervises the regional and municipal delivery of services. Hospitals are generally owned and operated by the regions.

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Using the arts to improve health: WHO pioneers large-scale, arts-based health interventions

A new partnership project initiated by WHO/Europe and the Nordic Culture Fund sets out to explore effective and sustainable strategies for integrating arts and culture into the wider health-care sector. Led by WHO/Europe’s flagship unit on behavioural and cultural insights for health, it will bring together academics, artists, cultural institutions, health-care practitioners and policy-makers from different countries.

Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2011)

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