
The WHO Country Office is the focal point for WHO activities in Romania. It was established in January 1991 in Bucharest in order to carry out a series of priority activities. The priorities for the Country Office are set out in the biennial collaborative agreement between WHO/Europe and the host country, and the Office implements the agreement in close collaboration with national institutions and international partner agencies.

More about the Biennial Collaborative Agreement (BCA) 2020-2021

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Using the arts to improve health: WHO pioneers large-scale, arts-based health interventions

A new partnership project initiated by WHO/Europe and the Nordic Culture Fund sets out to explore effective and sustainable strategies for integrating arts and culture into the wider health-care sector. Led by WHO/Europe’s flagship unit on behavioural and cultural insights for health, it will bring together academics, artists, cultural institutions, health-care practitioners and policy-makers from different countries.

Data and statistics


Life expectancy at birth, in years (as of 2010)

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